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15 WordPress Plugins

  1. Elementor or Beaver Builder:
    • These page builders will make it easier for participants to customize their WordPress sites visually.
  2. Yoast SEO:
    • An essential plugin for teaching and implementing SEO best practices within WordPress.
  3. Wordfence Security:
    • A robust security plugin to help participants understand and implement WordPress security best practices.
  4. UpdraftPlus:
    • Simplifies the backup process, allowing participants to easily back up and restore their WordPress sites.
  5. Akismet Anti-Spam:
    • Helps manage comment spam, a common concern for WordPress sites.
  6. WooCommerce (for e-commerce module):
    • A powerful e-commerce plugin for creating and managing online stores.
  7. MonsterInsights:
    • Integrates Google Analytics into WordPress, providing insights into site traffic and user behavior.
  8. Sucuri Security:
    • Another security plugin that can complement Wordfence for a comprehensive security setup.
  9. Redirection:
    • Useful for managing 301 redirects and teaching participants about URL structure and redirection.
  10. Really Simple SSL:
    • Facilitates the implementation of SSL certificates, an important aspect of website security.
  11. Learndash or LearnPress:
    • Learning management system plugins to help create a structured course format with lessons, quizzes, and progress tracking.
  12. Quiz and Survey Master:
    • Allows you to create quizzes and surveys, making it interactive for participants.
  13. WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache:
    • Helps optimize website performance through caching strategies.
  14. Duplicate Post:
    • Handy for creating templates or duplicating pages, helpful for course participants to follow along.
  15. Insert Headers and Footers:
    • Allows easy insertion of code snippets, useful for implementing tracking codes or custom scripts.